466 Central Avenue, Suite 9, P.O. Box 1715, Dover, New Hampshire 03821

DWI & Criminal Defense in NH and Maine for 37 years (1985-2022)

603-742-1212 603-742-1212

Motor Vehicle

Motor Vehicle

Habitual Offender Certification: An accumulation of certain motor vehicle convictions can lead to certification as a Habitual Offender in the State of New Hampshire. This can result from as few as 3 convictions. It is important to consult an attorney if you have a significant motor vehicle record before deciding how you want to plead in your case. The Habitual Offender system is different from the Points System (see below). Habitual Offender has nothing to do with “points” and should not be confused with that system. It is a much harsher status involving an extended period of license suspension of up to four (4) years.

Points Suspension: The Department of Safety can suspend your license for accumulating “points” for traffic convictions. You are entitled to a hearing before your license is suspended. The hearing is similar to a trial. You should take full advantage of that hearing. We can assist you.